Bedbug Management Service


Bedbug Management Service

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    Bed bugs pose significant challenges to any premises, presenting not only a nuisance but also a potential source of diseases. These elusive pests have a knack for hiding in the tiniest cracks and holes throughout your space – essentially, areas where a business card could effortlessly slide in become prime shelters for bed bugs.

    An infestation of bed bugs can wreak havoc on the inhabitants of your premises, particularly impacting the daily lives of infants and kids. The bites from these pests are notorious for causing swelling, redness, itching, and various skin discomforts, with the resulting bumps or welts emerging within days and lingering for about a week.

    The relentless itching induced by bed bug bites can lead to open wounds on the skin, creating entry points for harmful microorganisms and potentially causing diseases. Additionally, bed bugs themselves are carriers of diseases, posing a threat to the well-being of your loved ones.

    Managing the nuisance of bed bugs can be a formidable task for both households and businesses. Acknowledging this challenge, our latest bed bug treatment presents an innovative and highly effective solution to address these issues, providing comprehensive relief for your space.

    Some common facts about Bed Bugs

    • There are 3 to 4 generations of Bed Bugs per year. Adults live for about 10 months.
    • Adult Bed Bugs are oval, wingless and their bodies are flattened.
    • Bed Bugs are rusty red.
    • Bed Bugs give off a distinct odour.
    • Both male & female suck blood.
    • Bed Bugs can take six times their weight in blood.
    • Bed Bugs can live without feeding for 3-5 month.
    • Bed Bugs need a blood meal before every moult.
    • Bed bug eggs are almost too small to see.
    • Bed bugs can ingest seven times their own body weight in blood.
    • Active blood suckers feed blood from warm-blooded animals.
    • Bed bugs have sharp instincts.
    • Bed bugs are picky about what they eat.
    • Bed bug saliva contains a mild anaesthetic.

    Some common signs of infestation

    Characteristic dark brown or reddish faecal spots.

    A peculiar odour in heavily infested residences.

    Eggs oval shape shiny whitish cream colour.

    Live Bed Bugs - Adult/Nymph.

    Blood spots.

    Why should you choose us? 

    At Jardine Henderson Ltd, our skilled professionals are one-step ahead in cleansing the bed-bug infested areas at your space. Moreover, with the use of best-in-the-industry techniques, we ensure to offer a clean and healthy environment, leaving no signs of any pests.

    Our extensive bed bug treatment includes the following:

    • Stringent safety protocols guide our execution process, ensuring the utmost protection.
    • Employing modern equipment, we prioritise safe, environmentally friendly practices.
    • Our non-polluting, odour-free insecticides, endorsed by BIS, guarantee a secure environment.
    • We go beyond chemical spraying, embracing bio-remedial measures with organic repellents.
    • Disrupting traditional pest control habits, our customised treatments prioritise human safety and property protection. Deep insights into pest habits, climate, surroundings, and life cycles drive our qualified and expert-supervised pest controllers, offering a unique advantage.
    • Our commitment extends to advanced customer support through an innovative CRM system, emphasising a holistic approach to pest management.

    In addition to this, we offer complete assistance in removing bed- bugs and other pests from cars or any other vehicle.

    Some common diseases spread

    • Bed Bug’s bites cause welts and irritations to many people.
    • Allergic reactions.
    • Secondary infections.
    • Anaphylactic shock.
    • Itching.
    • Red spots and blisters.
    • Chagas disease.
    • Insomnia.

    You can get rid of Bed Bugs through
    Jardine Henderson Services . For remedies:

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